Sunday, October 30, 2011

Center Console Drawn & Rough Sticthed

Last week I drew my Center Console for my new XF20 Shallow Mine boat 3 times.  It took a footprint layout to realize a 28" wide console won't accommodate 3 deep cell batteries along with wiring and steering races.  OK Now my Center Console is 24 3/4" deep x 32 1/2" Wide x 30" tall.  It still needs an inside 3/4" plywood shelve for the 3 Bank Battery charger and upright panel which will hold the Main Power Panel & fuses on the starboard side.

The Center Console will get Epoxy Fiberglass joints, 2x2 blocks on each joint, Extra backing at certain points for exterior rod holders and possible future console Grab Rail. The Exterior and bottom half of the interior will receive a Epoxy fiberglass overlay and the upper half interior will be painted with marine grade paint.

The Top and the slanted instrument panel are 3/4" thick plywood, all other surfaces are 3/8" Plywood

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Unloading at Davis house 10 18 2011

Building Shallow Mine: New Home XF20 " Shallow mine "

Building Shallow Mine: New Home XF20 " Shallow mine ": PeteS and I loaded the FX20 hull onto my trailer
Well one fellow can remove a XF20 from trailer to its Building Rest.

I set up a temporary Tent type garage in the back yard to finish out the inside Fiberglass work, Decks and Paint.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Moved XF20 " Shallow mine "

PeteS and I loaded the FX20 hull onto my trailer

Building my XF20 boat " Shallow Mine "


I found while searching for a Flats Boat Kit. The members of this Forum were most helpful in their boat building knowledge and sharing their helpful hints.

After settling on the XF20 Extreme Flats boat as my first choice. I got a break in finding a fellow on the Forum " PeteS " that was having to sell his XF20 project at the time he just finished the bottom hull and had just flipped the hull.